New Patient Safety Technology Challenge Winners Announced

Type: News

Focus Area: Patient Safety

Proxie Health team members were presented with their award at CES by Patient Safety Technology advisory member Lance Bailey, far right.

The Patient Safety Technology Challenge announced the winners of three recent events.

The NursesKnow Patient Safety Technology Challenge announced Crimson Medical Solutions as the winner of the $5,000 first prize on December 14. The NurseKnow Patient Safety Technology Challenge was hosted by SONSIEL (Society of Nurse Scientists, Innovations, Entrepreneurs & Leaders) with submissions from around the world from nurse innovators and entrepreneurs to address patient safety issues. The winning team, Crimson Medical Solutions, created IV Manager, an improved IV labelling system which can improve nurse workflows and reduce medication errors. Team members include Stephen Bone and Caleb Williams.

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) Foundation hosted its annual CTA Foundation Pitch Competition at CES 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada on January 10, 2024. The Patient Safety Technology Challenge served as a sponsor and provided a prize of $2,000 to Proxie Health Inc. for the best tech-enabled patient safety solution. Proxie Health is a telecare platform that aims to give providers data they need and help families manage home care using human expertise and AI. Team members include Tatiana Carrett, Fritz Desir, and Eric Bruno.

The tenth anniversary of IDEA Hacks, the premier hardware-focused hackathon on the West Coast, was hosted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' Student Branch at UCLA, a professional student-run engineering organization. The event was held on January 12-14, 2024. LIFE-line was the winner of the patient safety track. LIFE-line is a device that detects falls and notifies either a registered family member or the local emergency services depending on the severity of the fall. It has an OLED display for text, intended for a speech-to-text implementation to help either overcome language barriers or communication disabilities. Team members include Junha Park, Camilla Rodrigues, Alexander Pak, and Lucas Ton.

Congratulations to the winning teams and thank you to the organizers of the events for including the issue of patient safety as an option for innovators and entrepreneurs to address with their solutions.

Read about past competitions involved in the Patient Safety Technology Challenge here.